More time for music with the clever scheduling app for music associations, orchestras and choirs
You know the problem: A rehearsal or a gig are coming up and you’ve got no idea what the line-up is going to look like. Countless notifications from large WhatsApp groups annoy every member and sometimes it takes days until all the phone calls asking “Are you going to be there on Saturday?” are answered.
Imagine: You create a new appointment in less than a minute and with only a single click all invited members can reply whether they are able to attend or not. Each musician has a simple overview of all upcoming rehearsals and performances. The planning effort is minimised and you can dedicate yourself to your passion - music!
Konzertmeister is designed for just that - to take the strain of planning off your back. The team behind it consists of musicians and conductors who know the challenges of rehearsal planning very well. They have the goal of making music collaboration easier. For every rehearsal to succeed, Konzertmeister is providing you with many helpful features.
Start now with our free apps!